Marco Cara, Bartolomeo Tromboncino, Johannes Martini, Anonimo, Francesco Spinacino, Pietrequin / Compere, Antoine Brumel, Josquin Desprez

In the circles of early music lovers, documented information about performance practice is so important as to be obsessively searched for by musicians and musicologists. While iconography sometimes cannot be relied on as evidence because of its symbolic meaning, a piece of information on the aesthetics of a performance, the making of an instrument, the composition of a group of instruments, or the repertoire performed is all the more valuable if it comes from a document, be it official or private, such as a letter. Considering that Isabella d’Este was a passionate lover of music and also a musician herself, it is easy to understand that the massive corpus of letters written and received by her can be an extraordinary mine of this type of information. Here the Anonima Frottolisti ensemble (TC 490001, TC 250001, TC 400007) continues its research in a deep introspection into the meanders of the music of Humanism, focusing on a repertoire drawn from the letters of the Marquise of Mantua Isabella d”Este, whose strong cultural and artistic sensibility deeply marked her time.


Disco n.1
Lorenzo da Pavia
  1 - Lettera a Isabella d’Este, Venezia, 4 Settembre 1503 (:32)
Marco Cara
  2 - Forsi che si forsi che no (2:52)
Bartolomeo Tromboncino
  3 - Se mi duol esser gabato (2:29)
Cesare Gonzaga
  4 - Lettera a Isabella d’Este, Modena, 2 Dicembre 1510 (1:08)
Marco Cara
  5 - Cantai mentre nel core (2:56)
  6 - Non è tempo d’aspectare (2:49)
Anonimo-Marco Cara ?
  7 - Dulces exuviae (3:12)
Isabella D'Este
  8 - Lettera a Ercole I, Mantova, 30 Agosto 1490 (:42)
Johannes Martini
  9 - Flos Virginum (1:47)
  10 - Les biens / Des biens d’amours (1:46)
  11 - [no title] (2:32)
  12 - Tan que Dieu voldrà (1:12)
Ferrante D'Este
  13 - Lettera a sua sorella Isabella d’Este, Roma, 20 Ottobre 1495 (:34)
  14 - Morte! - Che voy? (3:33)
  15 - Non te smarrir cor mio (3:24)
Isabella D'Este
  16 - Lettera ad Anna d’Alençon, Mantova, 24 Novembre 1517 (:40)
  17 - De tus biense (2:20)
Josquin Desprez ?
  18 - Fortuna desperata (1:18)
Francesco Spinacino
  19 - Adiu mes amours (3:12)
Galeotto del Caretto
  20 - Lettera a Isabella d’Este, Casali, 14 Gennaio 1497 (1:29)
Bartolomeo Tromboncino
  21 - Lassa donna i dolci sguardi (3:29)
  22 - Se gran festa me mostrasti (2:41)
Ercole I D'Este
  23 - Lettera a sua figlia Isabella d’Este, Ferrara, 25 Ottobre 1490 (:43)
Pietrequin / Compere
  24 - Mais que ce fust secretement (2:25)
Antoine Brumel
  25 - Esmu suy que plus ne porroie (2:18)
  26 - Una mosque de Biscayo (2:28)

  • Composer: Marco Cara, Bartolomeo Tromboncino, Johannes Martini, Anonimo, Francesco Spinacino, Pietrequin / Compere, Antoine Brumel, Josquin Desprez
  • Performers: Anonima Frottolisti
  • Musicological Text: Luca Piccioni, Massimiliano Dragoni
  • Historical Period: Humanism and Renaissance
  • Code: TC490002
  • Edition: September 2023
  • Barcode: 8007194108002
  • Set: 1
  • Total tracks: 26
  • Total duration: 55:38
  • Texts: Music and musicians in Isabella d’Este’s letters
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