Giovan Battista Ferrini (1601-1674)

Our knowledge of seventeenth-century Italian keyboard music is based for the most part on the works of those few composers who were able at the time to have their compositions printed. But many other composers are mentioned in various other contemporary sources (literary, theoretical or musical) about whom the official history of keyboard music knows little or nothing. These musicians left nothing printed, and often we know of them only from brief and scarce examples of their art in the manuscripts of the so-called “tablatures” for harpsichord and organ. Just such a figure is the Roman musician Giovan Battista Ferrini (about 1601-1674). Better known to his contemporaries as “Giovan Battista della spinetta”, Ferrini may be considered as one of the most interesting Italian keyboard composers of the generation at work between Frescobaldi and Bernardo Pasquini. Testifying to this are the numerous laudatory references made to him by important musical theorists such as the composer Romano Micheli, the famous Jesuit Athanasius Kircher in his Musurgia universalis and Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni in his Guida armonica.


1. Tastata per clavicembalo (*) 3:11
2. Ballo di Mantova Primo, Secondo, Terzo 2:58
3. Trombetta (*) 3:34
4. Corrente 1:18
5. Rotta 0:56
6. Passagalli 1:57
7. Aria di Fiorenza Prima, Seconda, Terza, Quarta(*) 3:55
8. Corrente 1:27
9. Spagnoletta Prima, Spagnoletta Seconda 1:37
10. Ciaccone 1:15
11. Corrente 1:05
12. Passagalli 1:24
13. Balletto Primo, Balletto Secondo 1:49
14. Toccata 1:23
15. Corrente 1:07
16. Passagalli 2:55
17. Galiarda Prima, Galiarda Seconda 1:31
18. Toccata (*) 6:32
Dal / from ms. Chigi Q. IV.25 - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
[di scuola di / school of Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)]
19. Toccata Prima (*) 3:45
20. Capriccio fatto sopra il Cucchù 4:19
21. Toccata seconda (*) 4:47
22. Partite sopra l:Aria di Fiorenza 2:43
23. Toccata Terza (*) 4:44
  • Composer: Giovan Battista Ferrini (1601-1674)
  • Performers: Roberto Loreggian, harpsichord and spinetta
  • Musicological Text: Arnaldo Morelli
  • Historical Period: Early Baroque
  • Code: TB 600602
  • Edition: April 2014
  • Barcode: 8007194105995
  • Set: 1
  • Total tracks: 23
  • Total duration: 01:00:02
  • Notes: Tactus White Series
    Historical Recordings
    It replaces the previous code TC.660601

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