Matteo da Perugia · Francesco Landini · Antonello da Caserta · Anonimo · Lars Orre

The songs on this album come from a unique and extraordinary period of our history, between the 13th and 14th centuries, which saw the rise of Comuni and Signorie in central-northern Italy: in the years of truce after the end of struggles between the Empire and the Papacy, Italian national sentiment flared up in great spiritual, artistic, political and social fervor. In this fertile environment, a new musical art flourished, the Ars Nova. In contrast to the liturgical polyphony of the Ars Antiqua (12th-13th centuries), which from the first experiments with organa culminated in the highly refined practice of the School of Notre Dame, the term Ars Nova designates the development of secular polyphonic music from the 13th century in France and since the 14th century in Italy. The idea of dedicating an album to the theme of love in Italian music of the 14th century might seem a bit overused, given how rich and varied is the discography in this regard. But the reflection on love undeniably continues to be central in our lives, just as it was for the men and women of seven hundred years ago, whose voices in “Ch’amor mi prese” we interpret and we infuse with new life ad meaning. There are elements of human nature whose essence does not change over the centuries. The feeling of love is one of these: it is expressed through new forms and different codes, but its most intimate essence is not affected by the passage of time. It does not matter whether the object of love, or its ispiration, is human or divine: it produces in those who feel it that inexplicable and overwhelming bewilderment that poets, writers, composers, philosophers and mystics in every time and place have felt to express in words or music.


Matteo da Perugia
  1 - Andray soulet au mielz que ie pourai (1:50)

  2 - Voi ch’amate lo criatore (6:22)
  3 - Quando i oselli canta (2:21)
  4 - Con la madre del beato (5:56)
  5 - Dolce lo mio drudo (2:42)
  6 - Parlamento (4:27)

Antonello da Caserta
  7 - Amour m’a le cueur mis (6:53)

Francesco Landini
  8 - Questa fanciull’Amor (3:50)

  9 - Amor mi fa cantar a la Francescha/ Polska efter (5:12)
  10 - La Manfredina (3:21)
  11 - Che ti çova nasconder el bel volto (3:39)
  12 - Dulce solum natalis patriae (6:15)

Matteo da Perugia
  13 - Andray soulet au mielz que ie pourai (0:58)

  • Composer: Matteo da Perugia · Francesco Landini · Antonello da Caserta · Anonimo · Lars Orre
  • Performers: Intactus: Simona Gatto: voce, percussioni. · Efrén López Sanz: citola, oud, ghironda, arpa gotica, salterio, percussioni, cori. · Miriam Encinas Laffitte: viella, flauti dritti, nyckelharpa, salterio, percussioni, cori.
  • Musicological Text: Simona Gatto
  • Historical Period: Middle Ages
  • Code: TC300005
  • Edition: February 2025
  • Barcode: 8007194108330
  • Set: 1
  • Total tracks: 13
  • Total duration: 54:44
  • Lyrics: Ch’amor mi prese
    Sacred and secular love in Medieval Italy
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