Francesco Giovannini (Roma 1709-1775)

Since 2010 the Associazione La Cantoria has dedicated its energies to the rediscovery of unpublished musical compositions from Rome, transcribing, studying and performing these both live and recording them under the Tactus record label. This cd is dedicated to the musician, composer and organist Francesco Giovannini who was music master at the Church of Santa Maria in Portico in Campitelli in the 18th century, and whose works are conserved in the archives of the Order of the Clerics Regular of the Mother of God in Rome. The best way to understand and appreciate a liturgical musical composition is to savour it the very same context where it was born and for which it was conceived. This is what this cd intends to do; to allow us to live the sonorous experience of an ancient mass of the Roman rite. These late-Baroque compositions by Francesco Giovannini shine like precious gems set in an antique piece of jewellery made of Gregorian chant, readings, and orations where the organ is heard almost fleetingly in those moments when the sound of the voice and other instruments is superfluous or even prohibited.


Disco n.1
Bernardo Pasquini
  1 - Tastata per Milone (2:44)
Gregorian Chant
  2 - Introito, In sermonibus Domini (2:46)
Francesco Giovannini
Messa a 4 voci concertata
  3 - Kyrie (3:19)
  4 - Gloria (1:06)
  5 - Gratias agimus (1:46)
  6 - Qui tollis – Suscipe (1:32)
  7 - Qui sedes (1:34)
  8 - Cum Sancto Spiritu (1:27)
  9 - Colletta, prima orazione, Deus qui beatum Johannem (:58)
  10 - Colletta, seconda orazione, Deus qui hodierna die (0:57)
  11 - Epistola, seconda lettera ai Corinzi, 4: 1-6 e 15-18 (2:38)
Gregorian Chant
  12 - Graduale, Inflammatum est cor meum (3:14)
  13 - Alleluia, Tamquam prodigium (2:05)
  14 - Vangelo, Luca 10, 1-9 (2:33)
Francesco Giovannini
Messa a 4 voci concertata
  15 - Credo (6:50)
Gregorian Chant
  16 - Offertorio, Christi factus sum (1:47)
Francesco Giovannini
  17 - Qui pacem ponit (1:53)
  18 - Prefazio comune (1:58)
Francesco Giovannini
Messa a 4 voci concertata
  19 - Sanctus (1:22)
Bernardo Pasquini
  20 - Ricercare del secondo tono (2:42)
Francesco Giovannini
  21 - A Domino factum est (1:49)
  22 - Pater noster (1:18)
  23 - Pax Domini (0:24)
Francesco Giovannini
Messa a 4 voci concertata
  24 - Agnus Dei (2:44)
Gregorian Chant
  25 - Communio, Quae mihi fuerunt (1:48)
Francesco Giovannini
  26 - Oculi omnium [graduale per soli e continuo] (0:49)
  27 - Ite missa est (0:43)
Domenico Zipoli
Sonate d’intavolatura per organo e cimbalo, 1716
  28 - Canzona in do maggiore (2:14)
Gregorian Chant
  29 - Antifona, Sub tuum praesidium (:50)
Domenico Zipoli
Sonate d’intavolatura per organo e cimbalo, 1716
  30 - Verso in fa maggiore (:41)
Francesco Giovannini
  31 - Ave regina coelorum (2:08)

  • Composer: Francesco Giovannini (Roma 1709-1775)
  • Performers: Cappella Musicale di Santa Maria in Campitelli
    Vincenzo di Betta, conductor
  • Musicological Text: Paola Ronchetti, Massimo Bisson
  • Historical Period: Classicism
  • Code: TC700703
  • Edition: October 2022
  • Barcode: 8007194107791
  • Set: 1
  • Total tracks: 31
  • Total duration: 63:18
  • Notes: Recorded at Chiesa di Sant”Ambrogio della Massima, Roma, July 2018
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