Simone Baiocchi (1971), Valentino Miserachs Grau (1943), Domenico Bartolucci (1917-2013), Mauro Visconti (1973), Valentino Donella (1937), Michele Manganelli (1969), Charles Marie Widor (1844-1937)

What paths did the composition of sacred music take at the beginning of this millennium? What is its relationship with liturgy? What prospects does it have? On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Domenico Bartolucci (1917-2013), historic conductor of the choir of the Sistine Chapel and prolific composer, the Second National Conference of Composers of Sacred Music, promoted by the Associazione Italiana Santa Cecilia, was held in Rome from 1 to 3 September 2017. The conclusive Mass that was celebrated in St. Peter’s Basilica, in the Cappella del Coro, offered the chance to observe how today’s composers deal with the holy texts, ideally proceeding along the paths that since the first centuries of the Christian era, with time, branched out from the papal seat to the ends of the earth. Contrary to what happens at present in a widespread practice, the texts that are set to music in this celebration are not juxtaposed to the rite but spring from it, and the lexicon used by the composers – albeit with differences between the individual composers – aims to express the deep meaning of the celebration without misleading the listeners or shocking them with avant-garde languages and shifting their attention to matters that are foreign to the liturgical prayer.


1. Magnificat IV toni a 5v Simone Baiocchi (1971) 5:26
2. Confitemini Domino Valentino Miserachs Grau (1943) 3:49
3. Ritus initiales 1:43
4. Kyrie eleison [ex missa secunda De Angelis] Domenico Bartolucci (1917-2013) 3:46
5. Gloria in excelsis Deo [ex missa secunda De Angelis] Domenico Bartolucci 6:32
6. Oremus 0:58
7. Psalmus responsorius Simone Baiocchi 3:44
8. Alleluia - Evangelium Mauro Visconti (1973) 5:06
9. Credo I 4:36
10. Se voi avete fame Valentino Donella (1937) 2:27
11. Oremus et Praefatio 2:53
12. Sanctus & Benedictus [ex missa secunda De Angelis] Domenico Bartolucci 3:33
13. Prex eucharistica 3:44
14. Doxologia – Amen Michele Manganelli (1969) 0:53
15. Ritus communionis 3:12
16. Agnus Dei I & II [ex missa secunda De Angelis] Domenico Bartolucci 3:42
17. Ave verum Michele Manganelli 3:12
18. Oremus – Benedictionem – Ite Missa est 0:37
19. Ritus conclusionis 1:13
20. Sub tuum praesidium [Gregoriano] 1:15
21. Toccata (dalla Sinfonia n. 5) Charles Marie Widor (1844-1937) 6:44
  • Composer: Simone Baiocchi (1971), Valentino Miserachs Grau (1943), Domenico Bartolucci (1917-2013), Mauro Visconti (1973), Valentino Donella (1937), Michele Manganelli (1969), Charles Marie Widor (1844-1937)
  • Performers: Rossini Chamber Choir · Lorenzo Antinori, organ

    Simone Baiocchi, conductor

  • Musicological Text: Simone Baiocchi
  • Historical Period: Historical twentieth century
  • Code: TC 940002
  • Edition: April 2019
  • Barcode: 8007194106985
  • Set: 1
  • Total tracks: 21
  • Total duration: 01:09:18
  • Notes: World Premiere Recording
    Live Recording in Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome

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