Giuseppe Giordani (1751-1798)

Giuseppe Giordani was a central figure on the scene of Italian Classicism: he was a fellow student of Domenico Cimarosa”s, had his operas performed in the most important European theatres, and was mentioned by Goethe in his Italienische Reise.
He was active alternatively as an opera composer and choirmaster, and combined the two vocal styles into a felicitous blend.
His writing often joins melodic singing with acrobatic virtuosity, putting a great strain on the singer by constantly alternating between legato and coloratura passages.
Giordani”s pieces were performed quite often – this is confirmed by the worn-out condition of his scores – and were later used also for liturgical purposes that were different from the original ones.
The ten Offertori presented here are a selection of the 83 Offertori composed by Giordani for different vocal registers.
They are exquisite for their creative freshness, formal precision and brilliant virtuosity: these are constant characteristics of Giordani”s style.
The organ part is not a mere accompaniment, but is transformed into an instrumental unit that holds a dialogue with the voice, on an equal footing of virtuosity.
The colours, register timbres and classical beauty of Giordani”s style reconcile the sacred with the profane, in an aura of serene, intense spirituality.


Jubilate Deo. Off ertorio per la festa del Nome di Gesù 3:32
Illumina oculos. Off ertorio per la Domenica IV dopo Pentecoste [...] 3:54
Moderato [per organo] 4:32
Lauda anima mea. Off ertorio per la III Domenica dopo Pasqua 3:06
Beata es virgo Maria. Off ertorio per le varie feste 3:09
Quomodo sedet. Lezione, notturno per il Mercoledì Santo 11:37
Ascendit Deus. Off ertorio per l’Ascensione [...] 1:48
Benedictus est Domine. Off ertorio per la Domenica Quinquagesima 2:46
Adagio [per organo] 5:55
Exaltabo Te. Off ertorio per la Domenica XI dopo la Pentecoste 2:37
Diff usa est gratia. Off ertorio per la Purifi cazione 3:08
Deus fi rmavit. Off ertorio per la vigilia della Pentecoste 3:19
Ave Maria. Larghetto [senza specifi ca destinazione] 4:35
Perfi ce gressus. Off ertorio per la Domenica VI dopo Pentecoste 2:18
  • Composer: Giuseppe Giordani (1751-1798)
  • Performers: Daniela Nuzzoli, mezzosoprano

    Marcello Rossi, organ

  • Musicological Text: Daniela Nuzzoli, Marcello Rossi, Fabio Quarchioni
  • Historical Period: Classicism
  • Code: TC 750701
  • Edition: February 2013
  • Barcode: 8007194105278
  • Set: 1
  • Total tracks: 14
  • Total duration: 01:06:39
  • Notes: Organ Gaetano Callido
    Collegiata di S. Bartolomeo in Morrovalle
    opus 408 (1804).
  • Texts: Offertorios for Voice and Organ

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