Antonio Maria Musilli (1792-1880)

The idea of rediscovering and playing the fine organ works by Antonio Maria Musilli has a significant cultural value, as his compositions certainly enrich the music works produced in Umbria during the Risorgimento.
At the time in Umbria there were many active organists such as Morettini, Martinelli and others, but they did not produce numerous works; however, some organ compositions, such as the one presented in this CD, were recently discovered.
Musilli’s organ works show that he had a very eclectic style, which, in respect of the traditions of his time, led him to compose some original and brilliant works, far from stereotypes.
His style is characterized by lively melodic patterns, brilliant rhythmic elements, an ability to reduce ornaments and a variety of harmonic models. Musilli was in constant search of varied and original music patterns.


dal ms. n.822 «100 esercizi per organo analogicamente disposti, Assisi 1861»
1. Esercizio 62 Preludio (Largo - Allegro) 8:34
2. Esercizio 95 Grave 3:44
3. Esercizio 29 Pastorale (Largo - Allegretto) 5:37
4. Esercizio 24 Rondò (Andantino) 7:45
5. Esercizio 37 Andante sostenuto 4:09
6. Esercizio 86 Tema con 12 variazioni e Finale 9:34
7. Sonata in stile legato, «Composta ad arte per renderne agevole il trasporto a 7 toni usuali e così disporsi
a sonar di capriccio nella Casa di Dio. Assisi 1847», ms. n. 798 4:57
Dal ms. n. 824
8. N. 4 Andante sostenuto 2:19
9. N. 5 Andante vivace 2:26
10. N. 6 Andante 3:31
11. N. 7 Elevazione (Andante sostenuto) 3:35
12. N. 8 Andante vivace 2:21
13. N. 9 Andantino 0:58
14. N. 10 Andante 1:08
15. N. 11 Andante 3:33
16. N. 12 Offertorio (Andante) 2:15
17. N. 13 Elevazione (Andantino sostenuto - Allegro) 2:06
18. N. 14 Allegro 3:50
19. [senza numero] Allegretto - Andante vivace 2:23
  • Composer: Antonio Maria Musilli (1792-1880)
  • Performers: Alessandro Bianconi, organ
  • Musicological Text: Giuseppe Magrino, Alessandro Bianconi.
  • Historical Period: Classicism
  • Code: TC 791302
  • Edition: May 2013
  • Barcode: 8007194105452
  • Set: 1
  • Total tracks: 19
  • Total duration: 01:13:33
  • Notes: Collection Archive Basilica Papale di S. Francesco – Assisi (PG).

    Organ Francesco Polinori, 1763 – S. Francesco, Città di Castello (PG).

    Organ Angelo Morettini, 1848 – S. Nicolò di Celle (PG).

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