Raffaele Bellafronte (1961)

Raffaele Bellafronte is not a composer in search of something new for the sake ofit, he is not afraid of tradition which he transcends by means of a direct, originaland communicative language.
His personality is such that, in the channel betweenthose two poles mentioned at the beginning, he manages to create a kind of ‘thirdpath’ which, without ever dashing the expectations of the listener, is unique in the way it evokes the very idea of a concerto.
This CD is a collection of four concertos or concertante pieces that Raffaele Bellafronte wrote from 2000 to 2009.


Concerto per ottavino e orchestra d’archi
Sereno, con impeto, I° tempo 6:55
Ironico, doloroso, più mosso 5:50
Misterioso, danzando, incantato, finale 6:00

Concerto per violino e orchestra 11:55

ZEIT [2006]
Concerto per fagotto e orchestra d’archi
Calmo, ritmico, I° tempo 7:57
Sospeso, con impeto, sognante, finale 7:26
Solo, danzante, frenetico 5:53

MURALES [2003]
Concerto per saxofono soprano e orchestra d’archi 7:43
  • Composer: Raffaele Bellafronte (1961)
  • Performers: Patrick De Ritis, bassoon · Francesco D’orazio, violin · Nicola Mazzanti, piccolo · Federico Mondelci, saxofone · Wiener Concert-Verein · Dirk Vermeulen, conductor
  • Historical Period: Contemporary
  • Code: TC 960202
  • Edition: June 2012
  • Barcode: 8007194105148
  • Set: 1
  • Total tracks: 8
  • Total duration: 00:59:33

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